Puritan Quote of the Month

“If men call service to God slavery, I desire to be such a bondslave
forever and gladly be branded with my Master’s name.”
- Charles Spurgeon, Strengthen My Spirit, pg 157

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Quoting The Puritans

The Holy Spirit

"To believe in the Holy Ghost, is to take him for Christ's agent or advocate with our souls, and for our Guide, and Sanctifier, and Comforter, and not only to believe that he is the third person of the Trinity."
- Richard Baxter, A Christian Directory, Chapter 3, pg 69

"What would you be without the Holy Spirit but like so many carcasses?  Without this, Christ would not profit you.  The blood of God is not enough without the breath of God.  Oh then, be thankful for the Holy Spirit."
- Thomas Watson, The Godly Man's Picture, pg 76

"Among those who walk with God, there is no greater motive and incentive unto universal holiness, to the preserving of their hearts and spirits in all purity and cleanness, than this, that the blessed Spirit, who hath undertaken to dwell in them as temples of God and to preserve them meet for him who so dwells in them, is continually considering what they give entertainment in their hearts unto, and rejoiceth when his temple is left undefiled."
- John Owen, The Mortification of Sin, Chapter 10, pg 117

"Holiness is the nature of the Spirit of God, therefore is called in Scripture the Holy Ghost.  Holiness, which is as it were the beauty and sweetness of the divine nature, is as much the proper nature of the Holy Spirit, as heat is the nature of fire, or sweetness was the nature of that holy anointing oil, which was the principal type of the Holy Ghost in the Mosaic dispensation... The Spirit of God so dwells in the hearts of the saints, that he there, as a seed or spring of life, exerts and communicate himself, in this his sweet and divine nature.  He makes the soul a partaker of God's beauty and Christ's joy, so that the saint has true fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus, in thus having communion or participation of the Holy Ghost."
- Jonathan Edwards, The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Volume 1, pg 1707-1708